Andy McFadden's CD-Recordable FAQ - Sections 8 & 9
Last-modified: 1997/09/14
Version: 1.11
- [8] Net Resources and vendor info
- [8-1] Information resources
- [8-2] Magazines and other publications
- [8-3] Net.vendors
- [9] Contributors
Subject: [8] Net Resources and vendor info
Some of these sites have both technical information and product sales;
they're listed twice.
The CD-Info bibliography at http://www.cd-info.com/CDIC/Bibliography.html
is updated more frequently and will probably be more accurate than this
section. It also has pointers to books, magazines, relevant areas on
commercial online services, and other good stuff.
Subject: [8-2] Magazines and other publications
NOTE: this should not be considered an endorsement of these vendors. No
attempt has been made to verify the quality of products or service you will
receive. This list is provided as a convenience.
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Most of the information contained in this FAQ was culled from the Usenet
newsgroups comp.publish.cdrom.* and the WWW sites mentioned in the previous
Please note that the author is NOT a CD-R expert, so sending him mail won't
get you very far. Please *post* questions to comp.publish.cdrom.*.
This FAQ was assembled by:
With a great deal of help on the first several drafts from:
- Katherine Cochrane
- katherine@cd-info.com
- Hal Rottenberg
- hal.rottenberg@mci.com
- Georges Brown
- Georges@cdarchive.com
And information and suggestions -- mostly in the form of posts to
comp.publish.cdrom.* -- from:
- Pierre-Yves Andri
- PierreYves.Andri@ping.be
- Jeff Arnold
- jarnold@mainstream.net
- Jeff Aspinall
- aspinall@umich.edu
- Brian Barth
- BrianBarth@aol.com
- Dave Bayer
- bayer@bway.net
- Dennis Benjamin
- ocms0001@ermine.ox.ac.uk
- Mathieu Besson
- Mathieu.Besson@hec.unil.ch
- Blaine
- blam1@aol.com
- Jim Blietz
- entexse@interaccess.com
- Peter 'Pedro' Blum
- peter@microtech.com
- Patrick Boen
- patrick.boen@tip.nl
- Eric Jan van den Bogaard
- bogaard@euronet.nl
- Axel Booltink
- ab@comex-sales.com
- David Bouw
- bouw@dds.nl
- Scott Bracken
- scott@oneoffcd.com
- Simon Brownlee
- simon.brownlee@jrc.it
- Craig Burgess
- craigb@microstar-usa.com
- Mirco Caramori
- mirco@padus.com
- Mark Carde
- mcarde@nntpq30.bnr.ca
- Juan Carlos
- ackman@emirates.net.ae
- Brian D. Chambers
- bucknife@electriciti.com
- Kenneth Chen
- lore@carabelli.com
- Michel Cherbuliez
- cherbu@cuimail.unige.ch
- Andrew Chiang
- andrewc@seas.ucla.edu
- Sean Christy
- seanchr@hotmail.com
- Dave Chung
- dtchung@vms6.sci.csupomona.edu
- Kevin Clark
- clark@crl.com
- Christophe CLERC-RENAUD
- clerc@ntt.fr
- Jef Collin
- Jef.Collin@tornado.be
- Gary Crosby
- gacrosby@mail.socomm.net
- datta
- datta@archive.uwp.edu
- Gary Davis
- gdavis@loop.com
- Peter DiCamillo
- peter@stanley.cis.Brown.EDU
- Steven M. Dietz
- steve@burp.hboc.com
- Mike Dijkema
- m.dijkema@bureau.rug.nl
- Kurt Dommermuth
- kurtz@lanminds.com
- Hans Driessen
- marcomlo.pkm@nl.cis.philips.com
- Russell Duffy
- rad@gulf.net
- Mark J. Dulcey
- mark@ziplink.net
- Lunatic E'Sex
- Luny@apple.com
- Jonathan Edelson
- winnie@teleport.com
- Steve Enzer
- enzer@mpi.com
- Grant Erickson
- eric0139@itlabs.umn.edu
- Martin Evans
- MARTIN@paladio.demon.co.uk
- Voytek Eymont
- voytek@ibm.net
- Tung Siu Fai
- sftung@metro.com.hk
- Frank Feder
- fwfeder@deltanet.com
- Helen Feng
- wanderer@li.net
- Joel Finkle
- jjfink@skcla.monsanto.com
- Emile Gardette
- egardett@freenet3.scri.fsu.edu
- E. Goldberg
- earl@sky.net
- Colin Gordon
- gordonc@oldpeter.agw.bt.co.uk
- Jac Goudsmit
- jacg@xs1.xs4all.nl
- Gary E. Grant
- ggrant@crl.com
- grasser
- grasser@srmc.com
- Patrick Green
- patrick@bbs.fornext.com
- Richard Green
- srcemag@gate.net
- Dave Grimes
- dgrimes@cts.com
- Ron Gustavson
- rongus@tiac.net
- Steven Duntley Halpape
- UserNAme@ix.netcom.com
- Russ Harper
- topquark@niia.net
- Matt Hartley
- hartlw@rpi.edu
- Robert Hedges
- rhhedgz1@ulkyvm.louisville.edu
- Marc Herbert
- Marc.Herbert@bat710.univ-lyon1.fr
- Herman Hillebrand
- hermanh@bio.vu.nl
- Steve Holzworth
- sch@unx.sas.com
- Vincent van't Hoog
- hoog@zeelandnet.nl
- John J. Hook
- jjh@sprintmail.com
- Malcolm Humes
- mal@emf.net
- Todd R Hustrulid
- Todd.R.Hustrulid-1@tc.umn.edu
- Andrea Invernizzi
- ainvernizzi@tinet.ch
- Jadiel
- jadiel@geocities.com
- Harri Johansson
- harri.johansson@hpy.fi
- Curt Johnson
- cjohnson@dbtech.net
- Arnold Jones
- arnold@mdi.com
- Tapio Keihanen
- dio@snakemail.hut.fi
- Roger A. Kendall
- kendall@ucla.edu
- Roger Kirk
- rkirk@videoserver.com
- Jerry Kohoutek
- jerryk@rmii.com
- Adrie Koolen
- adrie@ica.philips.nl
- Steven A. Kortze
- skortze@erols.com
- Alexander S. Kosiorek
- alex_audio@interramp.com
- Bernard Lang
- lang@calva.inria.fr
- Greg Legowski
- gregleg@telerama.lm.com
- Lemarcha
- lemarcha@plg.u-nancy.fr
- Barry Libenson
- barryl@visix.com
- Marc van Lierop
- marc.l@death.to.spammers.com
- Wee-Keong LIM
- keong@deepdene.ecr.mu.oz.au
- Linda
- linda@htp.net
- George Lindholm
- lindholm@ucs.ubc.ca
- Mike Linhart
- mlinhart@rsl.ukans.edu
- Torbj�rn Lindgren
- tl@funcom.com
- Chris HP Lovecraft
- tmservo@ksu.ksu.edu
- nelson luc
- nelson_luc@isd.toshiba.com.au
- Jean-Paul Maas
- jmaa@ictlux.com
- Nathan Manlove
- nate@ai2a.net
- Markie
- markie@the*the*-castle.com
- Bob Martin
- rtm@netgate.net
- John Marvin
- jsm@fc.hp.com
- Jean-Francois Masse
- jfmasse@teaser.fr
- Anthony McCarthy
- anthony@xi.compulink.co.uk
- Doug McFadyen
- dmcfadye@kea.bc.ca
- Dawn Messerly
- astarte@winternet.com
- Michel Milano
- mmilano@tiac.net
- Gene Miller
- gmiller@vnet.ibm.com
- Mikrichter
- mikrichter@interramp.com
- Hans Mons
- Hans.Mons@iaehv.nl
- Ken Moss
- kmoss@surfnthe.net
- F.Mouta
- fernando.mouta@mail.telepac.pt
- John Navas
- JNavas@NavasGrp.Dublin.CA.US
- Niderost, B.U.
- niderost@fys.ruu.nl
- Lou Nigro
- buster@hiheels.com
- Jon nobody
- nobody@nowhere.net
- Jonathan Oei
- joei@mindspring.com
- David Oseas
- davido@aimla.com
- palomaki
- palomaki@erols.com
- Dana Parker
- danapark@ix.netcom.com
- Jeff Pearson
- lumpofcoal@aol.com
- Chris Petersen
- cpeterse@unix.SRI.COM
- Matthias Petofalvi
- mpetofal@vub.ac.be
- Jason Petrait
- petrait@u.washington.edu
- Jaap v.d. Pol
- jaap.van.de.pol@tip.nl
- Kevin Purdy
- kpurdy@voicenet.com
- Frank Racis
- racis@voicenet.com
- Paul Reeves
- reeves@guy.asimware.com
- Phillip A. Remaker
- remaker@cisco.com